By The EditorsBy The Editors|December 7, 2023|Lifestyle, Feature, City Life,
Brush up on your Boston lingo so you can sound like a local.
Wicked An extra enthusiastic "very"
Pissa Awesome
Statie A state police office—watch out fot them on the Pike.
Rippah A crazy party
Packie A liquor store, short for “package store”
OFD Originally from Dorchester
Jimmies Chocolate sprinkles
Dunks The beloved Dunkin’ Donuts, founded down in Quincy in 1950
The Garden TD Garden, where the Celtics and Bruins play
The Hub Boston, because it is the hub of the universe
The B’s The Boston Bruins
Bubbler A drinking fountain
Dot A nickname for Dorchester
It’s brick It's cold or it's freezing out
Storrowing On the city's annual unofficial move-in day (Sept. 1), someone inevitably crashes a too-tall moving truck into a bridge or overpass on Storrow Drive, causing damage and traffic.
Pats The New England Patriots
The T The MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority)
Woop Far away
Bang a Uey To make a U-turn (likely an illegal one)